Saturday, October 20, 2012

Everett: 3 Months

I'm going to be completely honest- I'm sitting here writing your 3 month update and you're actually 7 months old.  Whew, it feels good to get that off my chest.  A part of me says, "Just give it up, you'll never be able remember things from 4 months ago!".  But I want to try to document what I can remember.  So here goes...

Sleeping: I don't know exactly what happened, but the day you turned 2 months it was like a switch flipped, and everything fell into place.  The first day I decided to try putting you on a schedule I was so nervous about how it would go - especially naptime.  I put you in your sleeper, closed the door, and waited for the sobs..................SILENCE.  You fell right to sleep.  Once again, thank you to my friend Jamie who advised me to really look for the signs that you were tired - I did and it worked!  You usually take about 3 naps a day.  One in the morning, one in the afternoon, and then a catnap in the early evening.  You continue to be a great nighttime sleeper.  You go to sleep around 9 and you get up around 8.  You've been sleeping through the night a lot - yay!!  Every now and then you get up once for a bottle, usually around 4am.  We still swaddle you every night.

Eating: I lengthened the time between your feedings, and that worked like a charm too!  Thanks to Shannon for the great advice!  This month you had a 5 ounce bottle every three hours.  It works really well. You continue to love your bottles like nothing else in this world.  When I take it away to burp you, you let out a cry like I've never heard.  And then just like that, you're happy as a clam when you get it back.  Stinker.

You still enjoy your bath time.  You bathe in the kitchen sink, which is working well for now.  I usually give you a bath every other day.   You're also doing a great job with tummy time.  You used to cry every time we'd put you on your belly but now I actually get some smiles!  You've started to laugh, which is the cutest sound I've ever heard in my life!  They sounds like little grunts - love it!!!

You still like to be held upright - no cuddling or rocking like a baby for you!  I wish you were more of a snuggler, but hopefully someday that will change.  You've been this way since the beginning, so I guess I'm used to it :-(.  You also love to stand - everyone always comments on how strong your legs are! 

We still take you out a lot and you do really well.  You are a really easy going baby.  Grammy Pammy always says, "Do you know how lucky you are to have a baby like him?!?!".  The sad thing is, you're the only baby I've ever been around, so I don't know any better!  If you ever have a sibling, I'll probably learn my lesson...

Everett, I fall more in love with you each day.  You are the greatest blessing of my life, and everyday I spend with you is such a gift.  Thank you for being my sweet boy.  I love you.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pumpkin Patch with my Pumpkin

As you may or may not know, I struggled with infertility for a looooooong time- at some point I'll do a post about it.  One of the things I always dreamed of doing was going to a pumpkin patch with my little one.  As you can imagine I was BEYOND excited to do this today! 

My mom and I took Everett to Linvilla Orchards, which is a farm about 45 minutes from where we live.  I'd never been but always wanted to go.  Side note- can I just say that one of the (many) perks of staying home is being able to go to places like this during the week?  This place would have been PACKED on a Saturday or Sunday, and it was great today!  Anyhoo, we had a great time and came home with some yummy treats - pumpkin roll, anyone?  By the way, Everett's favorite part of the pumpkin patch was sucking his fingers.

Here's a pic of my little pumpkin: